Turn your Passion into a business that combines Purpose and Profit


From Purpose to Performance

Transform your passion into a purpose-driven business that attracts conscious consumers who proudly purchase your products and services for a meaningful life

This coaching and training program provides socially committed start-ups and established enterprises with a five-step strategy to couple profits with purpose.

Discover the “5P-Path” from Passion to Purpose, and from People to Promotion and Purchase.

Interacting one-on-one with you individually or with your team, we’ll make sure you get the skills you need to easily embed this strategy into your business practice.

Interested in working with FairChange on building a purpose-driven business that attracts conscious consumers? Schedule a Strategy Call with me! We’ll have a look at your business or your business idea and see if this program is the right fit for you. (This is a free, no-obligation call, so don’t hesitate and book right away!)

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Is this the right program for you?

From Purpose to Performance provides a blueprint for business leaders looking to put their higher mission into action and attract like-minded clients and customers. On their journey to doing meaningful business, they often struggle with questions that touch the core of their being.

If one of the following situations sounds familiar, then this is the program you’ve been looking for:

  • You are halfway through your career and suddenly realize the work you’ve been doing for so long does not touch your heart. You’re successful and making decent money, but you’re not fulfilled. So you decide to quit your job and start on your own. Your goal is to build a business that serves society and allows you to live your truth
  • As a passionate social impact solo-entrepreneur mapping out your path to growth, you find you need more clarity about your “why”. To go forward, you’ll have to pinpoint your higher purpose, mission and goals and craft a compelling impact story to captivate customers, grow your network and attract the right investors
  • You’ve launched a socially committed startup that’s rapidly growing in size and profitability. But while your business expands, you risk losing sight of your foundational purpose. That’s why you’re looking for the tools and systems to lead with purpose and inspire your team to be true advocates for your higher mission
  • As a conscious leader in an established profit-first business, you are on a mission to transform the organizational culture. Your challenge is to define a higher social purpose, embed it into processes and operations, and make the business start serving conscious consumers in an authentic way.

You’re in the right place! Keep reading to discover how this FairChange signature business strategy program can help you get the results you need.

How this strategy program helps you build a business that combines purpose and profit

The program is built around the “5-P Path” towards a business that couples Purpose with profit. At the end of the program, you will master the skills to successfully implement its five steps:

  • Purpose – Define your business’ higher mission and values: a Purpose that is both aspirational and practical, reflecting true passion and inspiring effective action
  • People – Develop a human resource strategy to hire people who are aligned with your purpose. Create cohesive teams that live and breathe your mission and attract like-minded freelancers (whether you’re a business with multiple employees or a solopreneur!)
  • Partners – Design a strategy to engage with the right Partners: business allies, suppliers, public organizations and civil society groups that are the right match for growing your business and scaling up your positive impact
  • Promise – Define your customer Promise: a winning value proposition that mirrors your social commitment and caters to conscious consumers’ needs and desires
  • Promotion – Craft compelling stories to position your Purpose-driven brand in the market and invite consumers to purchase your offer to help them lead a meaningful life

Defining your higher purpose and acting on it is not just the right thing to do. There are many market-related reasons to be a purpose-driven business, too. It will earn you the trust and loyalty of a growing conscious consumer segment, it increases your brand value and attracts investors who are increasingly interested in financing socially sound companies.

And when it comes to your own desire for living a meaningful life, well, leading an enterprise that couples profits to purpose will get you up in the morning – even on bad days.

Why now is the time to do business with a higher purpose

Having clarity about your higher purpose helps your company make consistent decisions that respect people and the planet while creating profits and progress. And it is no coincidence that at FairChange we meet more and more companies and entrepreneurs who wonder how they can do business in a meaningful way. The need to do so becomes clearer each day.

People demonstrating in countries across continents call on governments and business leaders alike, demanding fair treatment and more diversity and inclusion. Scandals linking large brands to bad working conditions in their global supply chains and sourcing materials that fuel conflicts keep making headlines.

Meanwhile, awareness grows that we can no longer wait to reverse the environmental damage co-created by outdated production patterns and careless consumer behavior (yes, let’s be honest: haven’t we all been part of this?).

And then there’s the pandemic and the deep impact it has on how we think of doing business. Companies and entrepreneurs everywhere have come to realize how important it is to focus on collaboration instead of competition. To show more kindness towards the people we work with and depend on as businesses. To lead with empathy, serving causes beyond just making money, and finding innovative ways to “build back better”.

This is what prompted me to design the From Purpose to Performance business strategy program. Having clarity about your higher purpose is key to being a meaningful and profitable business, and the time to start doing business with purpose is now!

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The FairChange approach

Through my signature business strategy programs, I promote organizational learning and skills development of teams and individuals. The goal is to install the capacities to effectively put your higher purpose into practice – not just today, but in the long term.

At FairChange, I combine a global vision with local experience. Business strategy programs build on insights from international best practices, research and on-the-ground experience.

My work with companies with a social purpose and vulnerable communities in different countries and contexts has helped me understand that pursuing a higher purpose as a business is not always easy, particularly in complex environments. But I’ve also learned how passion and perseverance can lead to sustainable, purpose-driven strategies.

Whether your business supports marginalized communities in Cologne, Germany, or people affected by violent conflict in Cauca, Colombia, the same basic principles apply. A series of logical steps will lead you on your path to find and successfully implement your higher mission and improve the lives of the people you and your business care for.

If you need help deciding…

It is one of my greatest passions to help entrepreneurs and business leaders pinpoint their purpose and act upon it. If you want to learn how you and I can work together on this, jump on a call with me! In this free, no-obligation talk we will discuss your business, your goals and needs. You can ask all the questions you have and together we’ll figure out if this is the program that will get you the results you’re looking for!